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Specials and Receptions

Specials for this year!

The Gobbler! -our own hand sliced turkey topped with our homemade stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce, all piled high on a soft bakery roll


Waffle Sandwich- Mixed Greens, Crispy Bacon, Over Easy Eggs between a set of Waffle Wedges topped with real Vermont Maple Syrup


Full Plate Special - Two eggs, toast, spicy home fries and breakfast meat.


The Earthquake Sandwich- Our signature spicy home fries wrapped in two scrambled eggs topped with aged Vermont Cheddar and finished with bacon jam all on a warm flaky croissant.


Mayor Fox and Reenie at the Bradley Food Pantry Fundraiser 2022

We cater small receptions too!

Call us for menu options!

Call us for menu options!